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The format is based on Keep a Changelog.

Versioning currently follows X.Y.Z where

  • X is used for major changes, that contain breaking changes
  • Y should be the current bfabric release
  • Z is increased for feature releases, that should not break the API


[1.13.7] - 2024-09-17


  • considers all rows for schema inference, only considering the first 100 rows did cause problems with some files previously.


  • Script logging configuration
    • If BFABRICPY_DEBUG environment variable is set, log messages in scripts will be set to debug mode.
    • Log messages from __main__ will also be shown by default.
  • bfabric.entities.MultiplexKit to extract multiplex kit information.
  • bfabric.entities.Workunit.store_output_folder implements the old rule, but more deterministically and reusable.
  • (Experimental) bfabric.experimental.app_interface core functionality is implemented
    • This can be used as a building block to standardize the input preparation for applications.


  • Correctly support optional workunit parameters.


  • bfabric.entities.Resource association application has been removed as it does not exist

[1.13.6] - 2024-08-29


  • Entity.find_by has new parameter max_results.


  • prints non-output information exclusively through logger and does not restrict entity types anymore.
  • accepts multiple ids at once and does not restrict entity types anymore.
  • Both engines raise a BfabricRequestError if the endpoint was not found.


  • bfabric.endpoints list is deleted, since it was out of date and generally not so useful.

[1.13.5] - 2024-08-13


  • The Bfabric instance is now pickleable.
  • Entities mapping:
    • Add and Entity.web_url properties.
    • Add Entity.__getitem__ and Entity.get to access fields from the data dictionary directly.
    • Add Entity.find_by to find entities by a query.
    • More types and relationships
    • Relationships defer imports to descriptor call, i.e. circular relationships are possible now.
    • HasOne and HasMany allow defining optional=True to indicate fields which can be missing under some circumstances.
  • Add nodelist column and application name to output.


  • Entity.find_all supports more than 100 IDs now by using the experimental MultiQuery API.

[1.13.4] - 2024-08-05


  • Add Workunit, Parameter, and Resource entities.
  • Add concept of has_many and has_one relationships to entities.
  • to quickly check slurm queue status.
  • provides method which can be set to checkandinsert for specific use cases.


  • Most messages are now logged to debug level.
  • The old verbose version information is now always logged, to INFO level, since it could entail useful information for error reporting.

[1.13.3] - 2024-07-18


  • Flask
    • New endpoint GET /config/remote_base_url for testing


  • Flask
    • Simplify logging by using loguru only.
    • Simplified setup logic since the production use case should use a WSGI server.


  • had an undeclared dependency on numpy and a few bugs which was improved.

[1.13.2] - 2024-07-11


  • Add bfabric.entities.Dataset to easily read datasets.
  • Pydantic-based configuration parsing
    • The config format did not change.
    • The code is easier to maintain now.
    • Additionally, there is a lot more validation of the configuration file now, that should catch errors early.
  • Make host and port configurable in (currently only dev mode).

[1.13.1] - 2024-07-02


  • bfabric_save_csv2dataset will raise an error if problematic characters are found in any of the cells
  • Correctly define, and processing and failed variants.


  • Add loguru for future logging refactoring.
  • Easily runnable tests with nox and standardized formatting using pre-commit.


  • Pandas is no longer a dependency, and has been replaced by polars.

[1.13.0] - 2024-05-24

This is a major release refactoring bfabricPy's API.


  • The Bfabric class operations now return ResultContainer objects.
    • These provide a list-like interface to access individual items or iterate over them.
    • Individual items are a dictionary, potentially nested, and not specific to suds/zeep anymore.
    • Convenience conversions, e.g. to a polars DataFrame, can be provided there.
  • Configuration is now defined in ~/.bfabricpy.yml and supports multiple configurations, which can be selected by the BFABRICPY_CONFIG_ENV environment variable. Please consult the README for an example configuration.
  • Use pyproject.toml for package configuration.
  • Scripts have been refactored on a case-by-case basis.


  • Zeep can be used instead of suds for SOAP communication.
  • Bfabric can be instantiated without authentication, that can be provided later. This is useful in a server setup.
  • Pagination support in Bfabric, specify the number of max_results and a potential offset. Pages handling is abstracted away.
  • Detect errors in responses, e.g. invalid login.


  • Several old scripts have been moved into a deprecated_scripts folder.
  • Wrapper creator related code is currently not updated but has been extracted into a dedicated folder wrapper_creator as well.