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Good to Know

Updating workunits with many associated resources

Summary: Updating workunits and its associated resources

  1. Set workunit state to "processing".
  2. Update workunit and associated resources, as much as you need to.
  3. Set workunit state to "available".

When updating large workunits, it's crucial to prevent state recomputation in B-Fabric by setting the workunit state to "processing" before making any changes. Failing to do so can lead to significant performance issues and complications, especially during iterative updates.

After all entities have been saved, you can set the workunit state to "available". However, be aware that B-Fabric will still perform a state recomputation at this stage, which might result in a different inferred state, such as "failed". The "processing" state is the only one that ensures state recomputation is bypassed during the saving process.

Logging level

BfabricPy uses loguru for logging, since it makes logging very simple and informative. While it is recommended by its developers to make it opt-in, our logging is opt-out, but this can easily be adjusted as needed.

In your code

You can configure loguru in your code:

import sys
from loguru import logger

# Configure a logger with custom settings (requires first removing the default logger)
logger.add(sys.stderr, filter="bfabric", level="WARNING", colorize=False)

# Alternative: completely deactivate logs for bfabricPy

Check the documentation for logger.add for more options. By default, the logs go to standard error, which can be useful in some scenarios.

Alternatively, you can set the environment variable LOGURU_LEVEL, e.g. LOGURU_LEVEL=WARNING. However, this will affect all loguru loggers in your code and may thus not be the preferable approach.

In bfabricPy scripts

Generally, to achieve a consistent output in our scripts, we initialize the logger by the following function:

from bfabric.utils.cli_integration import setup_script_logging


This removes time stamps and line numbers, unless the environment variable BFABRICPY_DEBUG is set.