The strategy contains functions to fit the model but also compute the contrasts etc.

The strategy contains functions to fit the model but also compute the contrasts etc.

  model_name = "Model",
  report_columns = c("statistic", "p.value", "p.value.adjusted", "moderated.p.value",

  model_name = "Model",
  report_columns = c("statistic", "p.value", "p.value.adjusted", "moderated.p.value",

  model_name = "Model",
  report_columns = c("statistic", "p.value", "p.value.adjusted", "moderated.p.value",

  model_name = "Model",
  test = "Chisq",
  family = stats::binomial,
  multiplier = 1,
  offset = 1,
  report_columns = c("statistic", "p.value", "p.value.adjusted", "moderated.p.value",



model formula


name of model


columns to report


either binomial or quasibinomial


for tuning default is 1.


list with model function, contrast computation function etc.

list with model function, contrast computation function etc.

See also

Other modelling: Contrasts, ContrastsMissing, ContrastsModerated, ContrastsPlotter, ContrastsProDA, ContrastsROPECA, ContrastsTable, INTERNAL_FUNCTIONS_BY_FAMILY, LR_test(), Model, build_model(), contrasts_fisher_exact(), get_anova_df(), get_complete_model_fit(), get_p_values_pbeta(), isSingular_lm(), linfct_all_possible_contrasts(), linfct_factors_contrasts(), linfct_from_model(), linfct_matrix_contrasts(), merge_contrasts_results(), model_analyse(), model_summary(), moderated_p_limma(), moderated_p_limma_long(), my_contest(), my_contrast(), my_contrast_V1(), my_contrast_V2(), my_glht(), pivot_model_contrasts_2_Wide(), plot_lmer_peptide_predictions(), sim_build_models_lm(), sim_build_models_lmer(), sim_make_model_lm(), sim_make_model_lmer(), summary_ROPECA_median_p.scaled()

Other modelling: Contrasts, ContrastsMissing, ContrastsModerated, ContrastsPlotter, ContrastsProDA, ContrastsROPECA, ContrastsTable, INTERNAL_FUNCTIONS_BY_FAMILY, LR_test(), Model, build_model(), contrasts_fisher_exact(), get_anova_df(), get_complete_model_fit(), get_p_values_pbeta(), isSingular_lm(), linfct_all_possible_contrasts(), linfct_factors_contrasts(), linfct_from_model(), linfct_matrix_contrasts(), merge_contrasts_results(), model_analyse(), model_summary(), moderated_p_limma(), moderated_p_limma_long(), my_contest(), my_contrast(), my_contrast_V1(), my_contrast_V2(), my_glht(), pivot_model_contrasts_2_Wide(), plot_lmer_peptide_predictions(), sim_build_models_lm(), sim_build_models_lmer(), sim_make_model_lm(), sim_make_model_lmer(), summary_ROPECA_median_p.scaled()

Other modelling: Contrasts, ContrastsMissing, ContrastsModerated, ContrastsPlotter, ContrastsProDA, ContrastsROPECA, ContrastsTable, INTERNAL_FUNCTIONS_BY_FAMILY, LR_test(), Model, build_model(), contrasts_fisher_exact(), get_anova_df(), get_complete_model_fit(), get_p_values_pbeta(), isSingular_lm(), linfct_all_possible_contrasts(), linfct_factors_contrasts(), linfct_from_model(), linfct_matrix_contrasts(), merge_contrasts_results(), model_analyse(), model_summary(), moderated_p_limma(), moderated_p_limma_long(), my_contest(), my_contrast(), my_contrast_V1(), my_contrast_V2(), my_glht(), pivot_model_contrasts_2_Wide(), plot_lmer_peptide_predictions(), sim_build_models_lm(), sim_build_models_lmer(), sim_make_model_lm(), sim_make_model_lmer(), summary_ROPECA_median_p.scaled()

Other modelling: Contrasts, ContrastsMissing, ContrastsModerated, ContrastsPlotter, ContrastsProDA, ContrastsROPECA, ContrastsTable, INTERNAL_FUNCTIONS_BY_FAMILY, LR_test(), Model, build_model(), contrasts_fisher_exact(), get_anova_df(), get_complete_model_fit(), get_p_values_pbeta(), isSingular_lm(), linfct_all_possible_contrasts(), linfct_factors_contrasts(), linfct_from_model(), linfct_matrix_contrasts(), merge_contrasts_results(), model_analyse(), model_summary(), moderated_p_limma(), moderated_p_limma_long(), my_contest(), my_contrast(), my_contrast_V1(), my_contrast_V2(), my_glht(), pivot_model_contrasts_2_Wide(), plot_lmer_peptide_predictions(), sim_build_models_lm(), sim_build_models_lmer(), sim_make_model_lm(), sim_make_model_lmer(), summary_ROPECA_median_p.scaled()


istar <- prolfqua::sim_lfq_data_peptide_config(Nprot = 10, with_missing = FALSE)
#> creating sampleName from fileName column
#> Warning: no nr_children column specified in the data, adding column nr_children and setting to 1.
#> completing cases
istar <- prolfqua::LFQData$new(istar$data,istar$config)
istar$data <- istar$data |> dplyr::group_by(protein_Id) |>
dplyr::mutate(abundanceC = abundance - mean(abundance)) |> dplyr::ungroup()
#> # A tibble: 12 × 3
#>    sample  sampleName group_
#>    <chr>   <chr>      <chr> 
#>  1 A_V1    A_V1       A     
#>  2 A_V2    A_V2       A     
#>  3 A_V3    A_V3       A     
#>  4 A_V4    A_V4       A     
#>  5 B_V1    B_V1       B     
#>  6 B_V2    B_V2       B     
#>  7 B_V3    B_V3       B     
#>  8 B_V4    B_V4       B     
#>  9 Ctrl_V1 Ctrl_V1    Ctrl  
#> 10 Ctrl_V2 Ctrl_V2    Ctrl  
#> 11 Ctrl_V3 Ctrl_V3    Ctrl  
#> 12 Ctrl_V4 Ctrl_V4    Ctrl  
modelFunction <- strategy_lmer("abundanceC ~ group_ + (1|peptide_Id) ", model_name = "random_example")
mod <- build_model(
#> Warning: There were 4 warnings in `dplyr::mutate()`.
#> The first warning was:
#>  In argument: `linear_model = purrr::map(data, model_strategy$model_fun, pb =
#>   pb)`.
#>  In group 2: `protein_Id = "7cbcrd~5725"`.
#> Caused by warning in `value[[3L]]()`:
#> ! WARN :Error: grouping factors must have > 1 sampled level
#>  Run `dplyr::last_dplyr_warnings()` to see the 3 remaining warnings.
#> Joining with `by = join_by(protein_Id)`
#> [1] 6
sum(mod$modelDF$isSingular, na.rm=TRUE)
#> [1] 0

tmp <- strategy_lm("Intensity ~ condition", model_name = "parallel design")
tmp$model_fun(get_formula = TRUE)
#> Intensity ~ condition
#> <environment: 0x30d5d2e10>
#> function(m){
#>   anyNA <- any(
#>   if (anyNA) {
#>     return(TRUE)
#>   } else {
#>     if (df.residual(m) >= 2) {
#>       return(FALSE)
#>     }
#>     return(TRUE)
#>   }
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:prolfqua>
tmp <- strategy_rlm("Intensity ~ condition", model_name = "parallel design")
tmp$model_fun(get_formula = TRUE)
#> Intensity ~ condition
#> <environment: 0x30d0ec0e0>
#> function(m){
#>   anyNA <- any(
#>   if (anyNA) {
#>     return(TRUE)
#>   } else {
#>     if (df.residual(m) >= 2) {
#>       return(FALSE)
#>     }
#>     return(TRUE)
#>   }
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:prolfqua>
tmp <- strategy_glm("Intensity ~ condition", model_name = "parallel design")
tmp$model_fun(get_formula = TRUE)
#> Intensity ~ condition
#> <environment: 0x30c9c57e8>
#> function(m){
#>   anyNA <- any(
#>   if (anyNA) {
#>     return(TRUE)
#>   } else {
#>     if (df.residual(m) >= 2) {
#>       return(FALSE)
#>     }
#>     return(TRUE)
#>   }
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:prolfqua>